educators 2 educators Podcast

educators 2 educators podcast, discussing the best EdTech tools for classroom success. The world of education is changing quickly, and we want to help you stay ahead of the curve with the latest innovations and greatest technology to build an effective and efficient classroom that leaves you time to focus on what matters most: your personal life. Your host, Carrie Conover has spent 23 years in education. She spent 10 years in the classroom before becoming an EdTech corporate leader. She now helps educators connect to EdTech companies and EdTech companies connect with teachers.

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Monday Aug 31, 2020

The last episode in the New Teacher Reboot series is here. Carrie keeps it short and sweet as she chats about setting up your classroom (virtually or in-person).
Make sure to register for Teacher Fall Reboot 2020 at

Thursday Aug 13, 2020

Join us for the fifth episode of New Teacher Jumpstart in which Carrie sits down with Allie Szczecinski from @_missbehavior to talk about 504s and IEPs. Allie gives us a crash course in understanding special education documents as well as how to NOT get overwhelmed by all of the information a student's files. 
Learn more about Allie at
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Thursday Aug 06, 2020

Join us for the fourth episode of New Teacher Jumpstart in which Carrie hands over the microphone to Jeanne Wolz from Teacher Off Duty. Jeanne talks about planning out an entire school year without burning yourself out as a new teacher.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020

As a new teacher, grading and assessment can be one of the most intimidating and overwhelming topics. Every school and school district has a different policy on grading and assessment, so it is important that you study your district's policies carefully. After you have guidance from your school leadership, take the following tips into consideration before the start of the school year.
Figure out What is Important
Your state or district's learning standards should be at the center of your decision-making when you are deciding what to grade and assess. Take a step back and think "What do my students need to know before they leave this grade level or course?". These overarching learning objectives should be reflected in your grade book.
New Teacher Tip: Ask to see the student report card you will be expected to fill out during the school year. Is the report card grade-based or standard/skill-based.  Also, ask your teammates if you can take a look at their grade book from the previous year. This may help you gain perspective on the number of grades and types of work you should be grading.
Practice vs Assessment
Every day your students are going to be practicing skills and producing work that you could potentially grade. As a new teacher, you will run yourself into the ground if you try to grade every single thing a student produces. Go to a trusted mentor on your team and ask for guidance on which student work you should be giving feedback on and which work you can just simply be practice. Keep in mind that well-planned student practice and on-the-spot student feedback are stepping stones to informal and formal assessments.
New Teacher Tip: Don't assume that the students in your classroom know how to take YOUR tests or assessments. At the beginning of the year, take the first assessments together as a class so that you can make your expectations clear and explain the types of questions students may see on your tests in the future.
Check-in with your school policy on homework before you make any decisions about how you will design, assign and assess homework. Once you know what is expected of you, take a long look at the reason why you are assigning homework. Homework is meant to reinforce learning from the school day. If a child does not understand concepts within the school day, homework is not a way to help a struggling student. Many students do not have a parent at home who will be able to reteach concepts in a new way. Make sure you are assigning homework that can be done independently and does not add stress to an already struggling student's plate.
New Teacher Tip: If you are required to assign homework, do NOT that you need to grade every single piece of homework. You can go over homework as a class or spot-check homework for misunderstandings. Save your time and energy to grade the student work that gives you a TRUE story of each learning such as classwork/projects, exit slips, and/or assessments.
Learn more about e2e at

Friday Jul 24, 2020

Join us for the second episode of New Teacher Jumpstart in which Carrie sits down with Kristen Harris to chat about school relationships. We are going to talk about relationships with students, parents, administrators, and fellow teachers.
You can learn more about Kristen on Instagram at
Learn more about e2e Membership at

Sunday Jul 19, 2020

New Teacher Jumpstart kicks off today with this 6 episode series all about being a new teacher. Today we get self-care tips from Carrie Conover, Heather Campbell, Jeanne Wolz, Kristen Harris and Allie Szczecinski.
e2e Self-Care Toolkit:

Lessons from a Veteran Teacher

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020

Join Carrie as she interviews Joanna Brumbaugh, a 14-year veteran teacher, as she discusses what she has learned during the 2020 pandemic. Be ready to be inspired by Joanna's tips and tricks before we head back to school this fall.
Joanna has been in education for 20 years, and teaching for 14. She has her B.A. in Elementary Education and a M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction. She currently balances teaching second grade, running around as a busy mom and wife, and being an edupreneur. Above all, she loves inspiring others and making a difference in the world around her.
Become an e2e member at
Sign Up for Teacher Summer Reboot at
Sign Up for New Teacher Jumpstart at

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020

Creating a teacher resume can feel like an overwhelming task for many. We recently sat down with Marie Morris on the e2e Podcast to discuss resume writing with the goal to debunk some of the scary parts of the process.

Monday Apr 20, 2020

Times are tough for teachers. Not only are you staying at home, but many of you are also hearing the announcement that you won't be returning to your classroom for the rest of the school year. Here are 5 spirit-boosting activities created for teachers, by teachers that you can do right from your home.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020

Join Carrie as she shares tips and tricks for creating healthy personal and professional boundaries during the COVID-19 crisis.

About Carrie Conover

Carrie Conover has dedicated 22 years of her life to the field of education – first as a teacher in the Chicago Public schools, then leading educational technology learning initiatives across the nation, and now as the founder of educators 2 educators (e2e). e2e's mission is to help teachers love their careers again. e2e has helped tens of thousands of educators reignite their passion for teaching by focusing on mental health + professional development.

After spending ten years as a teacher in Chicago Public Schools, where she led one of the first 1:1 iPad deployments in the nation, Carrie spent three years at eSpark Learning, where she designed and implemented blended learning initiatives for school districts. Additionally, she worked as the Director of Customer Success at Discovery Education, where she oversaw the vision and strategy for over 50 partnerships, including many of the largest school districts in the country.

During her years traveling the country, meeting school leaders and thousands of teachers, Carrie grew a strong desire to help teachers escape burnout and love being a teacher again. She connects 30,000+ teachers through e2e's online teacher conferences, membership site, and podcast.

Carrie is also the creator of Classroom to Boardroom, a course aimed at helping educators find roles at education companies.

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